在使用TensorFlow Lite进行图像处理时,输入的图像通常需要进行预处理。对于一些特定的模型,比如只接受1通道的图像输入的模型,如果输入的图像是多通道的,就需要进行通道转换和调整。
// 加载待定图像文件
val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.absolutePath)
// 将图像转换为灰度图像
val grayBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.width, bitmap.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val canvas = Canvas(grayBitmap)
val paint = Paint()
val colorMatrix = ColorMatrix()
colorMatrix.setSaturation(0f) // 将彩色矩阵设置为0,变为灰度图像
val filter = ColorMatrixColorFilter(colorMatrix)
paint.colorFilter = filter
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0f, 0f, paint)
// 将灰度图像转换为1通道图像
val inputBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(grayBitmap.width, grayBitmap.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val pixelCount = grayBitmap.width * grayBitmap.height
val pixelArray = IntArray(pixelCount)
grayBitmap.getPixels(pixelArray, 0, grayBitmap.width, 0, 0, grayBitmap.width, grayBitmap.height)
for (i in 0 until pixelCount) {
val color = pixelArray[i]
val r = (color and 0xff0000 shr 16).toFloat()
val g = (color and 0xff00 shr 8).toFloat()
val b = (color and 0xff).toFloat()
val grayValue = (r * 0.299f + g * 0.587f + b * 0.114f).toInt() // 根据灰度计算公式计算灰度值
val pixel = (grayValue shl 16) + (grayValue shl 8) + grayValue + 0xff000000.toInt() // 生成ARGB 1通道像素
pixelArray[i] = pixel
inputBitmap.setPixels(pixelArray, 0, grayBitmap.width, 0, 0, grayBitmap.width, grayBitmap.height)