一种常见的Advection 1D Upwind Python代码出现错误的原因是指定的空间步长太大,导致计算的数值不够精确。为了解决这个问题,可以尝试减小空间步长。
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define parameters for advection equation
L = 1.0 # Length of domain
nx = 100 # Number of grid points
dx = L / (nx - 1) # Grid spacing
nt = 50 # Number of time steps
sigma = 0.5 # CFL condition
c = 1.0 # Advection velocity
dt = sigma * dx / c # Time step
# Set up initial conditions
u = np.ones(nx)
u[int(0.5 / dx):int(1 / dx + 1)] = 2.0 # Step function
# Iterate through time steps
for n in range(nt):
un = np.copy(u)
for i in range(1, nx):
u[i] = un[i] - c * dt / dx * (un[i] - un[i-1])
# Plot final solution
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, L, nx), u)
通过将dx设置为L /(nx-1)(其中L是定义空间域的长度,而nx是要计算的网格点数),并通过以下方式更新网格函数u,可以解决可能出现的精度问题:
u [i] = un [i] - c * dt / dx *(un [i] - un [i-1])