当在 Adonis Js 中遇到授权失败的问题时,可以按照以下步骤进行解决:
,可以通过以下命令进行安装:npm install @adonisjs/shield
文件中添加以下代码来加载授权中间件:const { shield } = require('@adonisjs/shield')
const providers = [
// ...
const aceProviders = [
// ...
const middleware = [
// ...
文件中添加以下代码,以定义授权规则:'use strict'
const Config = use('Config')
module.exports = {
| Default Auth Guard
| The default auth guard used during authentication. The same can be
| defined inside `config/auth.js` file.
// auth: 'web',
| Default Gate
| The default gate defines the namespace and the driver for resolving
| policies. It works out of the box without any configuration.
// gate: 'Adonis/Can/Gate',
| Default Shield Policy
| A default shield policy is required by the shield middleware to handle
| the authorization. The policy can be a closure or a reference to a
| class. Though using a class is the recommended way.
shield: {
// policy: 'Adonis/Can/Policy',
policy: async (ctx, next, args) => {
// Define your authorization logic here
await next()
中间件来进行授权:Route.get('/protected-route', () => {
// Add your protected route logic here
通过以上步骤,可以解决 Adonis Js 授权失败的问题。根据你的实际需求,在 shield.policy
下一篇:Adonis js 邮件数组验证