2024-07-25 22:01:05

Adaptive Cards 是一种用于呈现有关数据的交互式卡片的开放式规范。在 Adaptive Cards 中,ChoiceSet 是一组预定义选项,用户可以从中选择一个或多个选项。有时,我们需要动态添加 ChoiceSet 中的选项并等待用户响应。

以下是向 Teams 用户发布 Adaptive Card 并等待响应的代码示例,其中包括动态 ChoiceSet:

const { TeamsActivityHandler, MessageFactory } = require('botbuilder');

class MyBot extends TeamsActivityHandler {
    async onMessageActivity(turnContext) {
        if (turnContext.activity.value) {
            // A response to the previous message was received

            // Generate a new card with updated options
            const updatedCard = {
                $schema: '',
                type: 'AdaptiveCard',
                version: '1.0',
                body: [
                        type: 'TextBlock',
                        text: 'Please select an option:',
                        wrap: true
                        type: 'Input.ChoiceSet',
                        id: 'myChoice',
                        style: 'compact',
                        spacing: 'none',
                        choices: [
                            { title: 'Option 1', value: '1' },
                            { title: 'Option 2', value: '2' },
                            { title: 'Option 3', value: '3' }
                actions: [
                        type: 'Action.Submit',
                        title: 'Submit',
                        data: { type: 'myChoice' }

            // Send the updated card to the user
            await turnContext.sendActivity(MessageFactory.attachment(CardFactory.adaptiveCard(updatedCard)));

        } else {
            // Send the initial card to the user
            const card = {
                $schema: '',
                type: 'AdaptiveCard',
                version: '1.0',
                body: [
                        type: 'TextBlock',
                        text: 'Please select an option:',
                        wrap: true
                        type: 'Input.ChoiceSet',
                        id: 'myChoice',
                        style: 'compact',
                        spacing: 'none',
                        choices: [
                            { title: 'Option 1', value: '1' }
                actions: [
                        type: 'Action.Submit',
                        title: 'Submit',
                        data: { type: 'myChoice' }



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