Ada 2012 RM - 注释和字符串字面量
2024-07-25 16:31:35


Ada 2012 RM - 注释和字符串字面量中提供了以下代码示例:

  1. 单行注释示例:
-- This is a single line comment
  1. 多行注释示例:
This is a multi-line comment
It can span multiple lines
  1. 字符串字面量示例:
-- 字符串字面量可以使用单引号或双引号括起来
Str1 : constant String := "This is a string literal";
Str2 : constant String := 'This is also a string literal';

-- 字符串字面量可以包含转义字符
Str3 : constant String := "This is a string with \"quotes\"";
Str4 : constant String := 'This is a string with \'quotes\'';

-- 字符串字面量可以使用字符串连接符(&)进行连接
Str5 : constant String := "This is" & " a concatenated string";
Str6 : constant String := "This is a " & "concatenated string";

-- 字符串字面量可以使用预定义的转义序列
Str7 : constant String := "This is a string with a tab character: \t";
Str8 : constant String := "This is a string with a newline character: \n";

这些示例展示了如何在Ada 2012中使用注释和字符串字面量。注释用于解释代码,而字符串字面量用于表示字符串常量。



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