2024-08-07 03:00:39

在结构体中分配 CSV 列 - 分配

  1. 首先,定义一个包含所需 CSV 列的结构体:

typedef struct { // Define columns of CSV file as members of the struct char name[100]; int age; float height; } Person;

  1. 然后,读取 CSV 文件并将数据分配到结构体变量中:

FILE *fp = fopen("people.csv", "r"); // Open CSV file for reading char line[1024]; Person person_array[100]; // Create an array of Person structs int count = 0; while (fgets(line, 1024, fp)) { // Parse CSV line into struct members and allocate to array sscanf(line, "%[^,],%d,%f", person_array[count].name, &person_array[count].age, &person_array[count].height); count++; }

  1. 最后,关闭文件并使用分配的结构体数组。

fclose(fp); // Use allocated Person structs for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { printf("Name: %s, Age: %d, Height: %f\n", person_array[i].name, person_array[i].age, person_array[i].height); }



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