2024-08-05 08:01:04

在 Akka.Cluster 中,Lighthouse/Seed 节点是用 Split Brain Resolver 解决脑裂问题的。

因此,在 Lighthouse/Seed 配置中,应该包含 Split Brain Resolver 的配置信息。

例如,以下是一个基本的 Lighthouse 配置示例:

akka {
    actor.provider = cluster
    remote.dot-netty.tcp {
        transport-class = "Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.TcpTransport, Akka.Remote"
        applied-adapters = []
        transport-protocol = tcp
        port = 8090  # port can be any valid available port
        hostname = "localhost" # hostname can be IP or DNS, but DNS is recommended
    cluster {
        seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://MyCluster@localhost:4053"]
        # add split-brain-resolver configuration here 

在上例中,我们需要添加 Split Brain Resolver 配置。以下是一些示例配置:

split-brain-resolver {
    # Mix majority strategy means that in a partition *where the number of nodes is odd*, the majority group should be merged.
    # In a partition *where the number of nodes is even*, these nodes don't form a majority and should shut down.
    # This can eventually cause the whole cluster to shut down, which is why this strategy is not recommended.
    #mix-majority-strategy {
    #    thresholds {
    #        acceptable-size-difference = 1
    #    }
    keep-majority-strategy {
        thresholds {
            majority-size = 4
            unreachable-size = 2
            # if a node sees unreachable nodes with unreachability-level >=2, when it itself is a part of the majority, it will trigger downing those nodes
            down-all-when-unstable = true 
            # if there are not enough reachable nodes to satisfy the threshold, the actor system will shut down
            reachable-size = 3

对于以上示例中的 Lighthouse 配置,我们应该在 cluster 部分添加 Split Brain Resolver 的



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