* Create a new child record and access its field
//Get the current sales order record
var mySalesOrder = nlapiLoadRecord('salesorder', 1234);
//Get the internal ID of the first item on the Sales Order
var itemId = mySalesOrder.getLineItemValue('item', 'item', 1);
//Create a new Inventory Adjustment record
var adjustment = nlapiCreateRecord('inventoryadjustment');
//Set the subsidiary and location to match the sales order
adjustment.setFieldValue('subsidiary', mySalesOrder.getFieldValue('subsidiary'));
adjustment.setFieldValue('location', mySalesOrder.getFieldValue('location'));
//Add a new line item for the item on the sales order
adjustment.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'item', itemId);
adjustment.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'adjustqtyby', -1);
adjustment.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'reason', 'Sales Order');
//Save the new adjustment record
var adjustmentId = nlapiSubmitRecord(adjustment);
//Load the newly created child record
var adjustmentRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('inventoryadjustment', adjustmentId);
//Access a field on the child record
var quantity = adjustmentRecord.getLineItemValue('inventory', 'adjustqtyby', 1);
//Log the quantity value
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Quantity', quantity);